Pantego Services


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Finest Pantego Pool Cleaning Provider

What could be Finer than a Clean & Safe Swimming Pool
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Step into Swim
Certified Pool and Spa Operator in Pantego

Basic Pool Cleaning Plan: The Responsible Manager of Pantego Swimming Pools

This Basic Pool Cleaning Plan gives you time to enjoy your swimming pool on all those lovely sunny weather days that Pantego shines on us.

Read the lists below illustrating the service duties of Our Responsibilities vs Your Responsibilities for the Basic Plan.

Starting at $109 per month

Our Responsibilities

We check your pool equipment.
We clean your pool sweep wall screen.
We vacuum your pool monthly, not weekly.
We brush your pool (steps, tiles, walls).
We empty your pool skimmer and pump baskets.
We keep your pool water healthy and purge any algae. See our No Algae Guarantee.
We verify your pool cleaner operation.
We help you monitor your pool operations by reporting any observations of pool issues.
We clean your automatic pool cleaner (bag / filter).
We backwash your filter on regular basis.
We analyze your pool water and apply the correct chemicals and minerals to keep your water in optimum condition.

Your Responsibilities

Report any observations of swimming pool issues.
Keep the pool equipment active and operating and approve repairs when necessary.
Net your pool surface and bottom.
Vacuum your pool additionally when needed.
Maintain correct water level.


Monthly plan cost based on a 4 week billing cycle.
There might be additional startup charges for initial cleaning & treatment.
Required filter cleanings quarterly.
Complete Pool Cleaning Equipment and Chemicals

Want even more free time? Check out our Complete Pool Cleaning Plan.

About Pantego Texas Swimming Pools

It is common knowledge that inground pools are the leading type of pool in Pantego, TX. This popular pool type gives homeowners the ability to customize the swimming pool's design to their exact liking. However, a few issues exist that Pantego pool owners should be aware. The first is that since inground pools have a somewhat rough texture, unlike other pools like fiberglass or vinyl, algae growth is more likely to start. Pool owners must also know that if metal based chemicals are used it can stain your pool's floor. Removing the stain requires special procedures.